Sunday, January 30, 2011


Alone by Edgar Allan Poe talks about Poe's tragedies and sorrows. This poem shapes Poe's life because his father abandoned them, his mother died of consumption, and his wife died of tuberculosis. So it's only natural for Poe to write these depressing types of poems. The last few lines of this poem are the lines that stood out the most to me. "From the thunder, and the storm- And the cloud that took form (When the rest of Heaven was blue) Of a demon in my view-" Here, I thought Poe was saying that everyone else saw angels not demons and their Heaven was good and blue while Poe only saw a demon. In this section from the poem, it was the diction that conveyed the sense of Heaven and Hell to me. The words "thunder" and "storm" give images of darkness and gloom. "And the cloud that took form" this part reminded me of those days where you always feel like you have a "cloud" hanging over your head which is most likely how Poe felt with all that death surrounding him. The next part (When the rest of Heaven was blue) stood out to me because its the only part in parenthesis. This structure makes it seem like Poe's Heaven is different than everyone else. Finally, Poe's use of the word "demon" even further sets apart Poe's idea of Heaven. because it refers to Hell.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Book

The Book by Miller Williams

I held it in my hands while he told the story.

He had foound it in a fallen bunker,
a book for notes with all the pages blank.
He took it to keep for a sketchbook and diary.

He learned years later, when he shpwed the book
to an old bookbinder, who paled, and stepped back
a long step and told him what he held,
what he had laid the days of his life in.
It's bound, the binder said, in human skin.

I stood turning it over in my hands,
turning it inmy head. Human skin.

What child did this skin fit? What man, what
Dragged still full of its flesh from what dream?

Who took it iff the meat? Some other one
who stayed alive by knowing how to do this?
I starred at the changing book and a horror grew,
I starred and a horror grew, which was, which is,
how beautiful it was until I knew.

This poem really struck me. It left more of a mark on me than any other poem we have read in this class. It begins with someone telling a person the story of his discovery of a mysterious book with blank pages. Then the author, Miller Williams, tells the true nature of the book. That it is bound by human skin. Finally, the person holding the book is struck with horror as he or she finally realizes the book's real meaning. The first stanza stood out to me because it is only one line. "I held it in my hands while he told me the story." I think the one lined stanza is a symbol for the book because it is one of a kind and different from any other book because it is made of "human skin." I'm not sure if the author means for the book to be literally made out of human skin though or if the book is even a book. I think the book is a symbol for the lies that people unkowningly build their lifes on, when people turn the other way and do not understand what people have done and do to other people. "An old book keeper... told him what he held, what he had laid the days of his life in. It's bound... in human skin." This part was when I first thought the book was a symbol rather than an actual book. "What child did this skin fit? What man, what woman? Dragged still full of its flesh from what dream? Who took it off the meat? Some other one who stayed alive by knowing how to do this?" This part is reffering to the people who stole dreams from other people, who robbed them of their chance. This part was also where I saw the significance of the blank pages. The blank pages are a symbol of the people who were "dragged" still full of life from their dreams and never got to lay their life down in a book. The last stanza is what realy hit home for me. "I starred at the changing book and a horror grew, I starred and a horror grew, which was, which is, how beautiful it was until I knew." This really hit me because I could relate this to so many situations past and present. When I was reading this poem, I kept relating it to slavery. I kept thinking of the thousands of men, women, and children who were dragged from their dreams so other people could build a life for themselves. "The book" is horrific because you think something so very horrible is incredibly beautiful until you understood its true nature.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Of Mere Being

I really enjoyed the discussion we had in class about this poem because it was interpreted so many different ways, and everyone had somewhat different meanings or images from the poem. Of Mere Being by Wallace Stevens talks about a bird in a palm and the feelings involved with it. Several people take this poem for its literal meaning. There is just a bird in a palm. It is just there. This thought does go along with the title, Of Mere Being, but, to me Stevens conveys a different meaning through his diction. The first two lines of the poem were initial indicators that this poem wasn't just about a bird in a palm. "The palm at the end of the mind, Beyond the last thought," These two lines seem like the author is referring to a dream or something not conceivable in the mind with "at the end of the mind," and "Beyond the last thought." Then the author goes on to describe the bird and the palm. He uses words such as "gold-feathered," "bronze decor," and "fire-fangled feathers" these words make me think of a phoenix which is a mythical creature which makes me think even more that this poem is not just about a bird and a palm because a phoenix is not a real bird.
I remember in class people were debating the idea if whether or not this poem is about faith or not. There were two parts of this poem that make me believe this poem was, indeed, about faith. The first is in the second stanza, "A gold feathered bird Sings in the palm, without human meaning, Without human feeling, a foreign song." I think this part is talking about faith because humans cannot describe the meaning of faith or the feeling of it, because of this, I believe the author is using the bird as a symbol for faith. The second part is in the last stanza, "The palm stands on the edge of space." Heaven is typically referred to as above the earth, so when Stevens says "on the edge of space" I think he is referring to the palm as a symbol of Heaven.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Introduction to Poetry

I remember this was the first poem we read in class. I thought it was ironic how the poem talks about not over analyzing a poem and then we over analyzed it. My favorite stanza from the poem was "walk inside the poem's room and feel the walls for a light switch" because it brought the familiar feeling of that fear of the unknown and the unsteadiness when you're sliding your hand along the cold wall in search for the light switch. This poem is divided into seven stanzas. The second stanza is the one that sticks out the most to me because it is only one line but still part of the same sentence in the first stanza. "or press an ear against its hive." Some writers use shortened sentences to provide emphasis on an idea or phrase. I think in this case, the author, Billy Collins, separated this one lined stanza from the first but kept it the same sentence because it relates to the first stanza but is a different idea. I really love this poem because it makes me laugh because it shows how much we over analyze especially AP students.