Sunday, April 24, 2011

Many red devils...

This poem could be understood many different ways. Each time I read it, it had a different impact. At first I thought that Crane had harsh feelings toward him self and the ideas that came from his heart were cruel and devilish and it was strange to him to write of these deep thoughts of his heart. Then, I thought that maybe Crane is just like many other people and there are some ideas that are disturbing that come from the heart and it is strange to realize that such a thing could come from your heart. Finally, I thought of this poem in a literal writing sense. First, that Crane felt power from writing and how the pen could "mash them." Then that the struggling devils in the ink were the ideas from his heart that he had trouble writing, and it was strange for him to put such deep thoughts on paper.

1 comment:

  1. I like your last thought best. :) You've done a nice job this year on your blogs. I've enjoyed reading them!
