Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Envious iPhone - Tone Paper

I have wanted an iPhone ever since they have come out. When I was finally eligible for an upgrade, my parents refused to even let look at one because they were to expensive and contained to many unnecessary features. Disappointed, I succumbed to a basic touch screen phone that often freezes and ceases to work. After a few months, my dad was up for a new phone. He had a Black Berry and despised the thing. It was to complex and he said, "All I need a phone to do is text and call people." So, during my dad's visit at the phone store, the representative talked him into getting the one phone I dreamed of having- the iPhone. I was so envious and jealous! He hated cell phones. He just wanted a phone to call and text people, so he bought the most complex phone currently available! The worst part was they wouldn't even let me glance at it, but as soon as the guy mentioned apple to my dad, he was drooling over an iPhone. He has had it for almost two months now and he absolutely loves it, and I hate him loving it.

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