Sunday, March 6, 2011

So Long to Colorado

So long to Colorado
to the deep purple
of the Rockie Mountains
and the crystal snow capped peaks.

Farewell to the bipolar seasons.
Snow rain, sunshine, sleet,
wind, and hail all
in the same day.

Good bye Colorado fashion.
Ugg boots and shorts
in the middle of winter.
Snow pants and ski
jackets in May.

Farewell to the
"Sweetheart City"
that sometimes
wasn't so sweet.

So long to my blue
house on the corner.
How your paradigm
has shifted.

Fifteen years has
transformed you from
a monument in the
eyes of a three year old
to a home. My home.


  1. This is probably the most relatable poem I have read in a long time. It's really hard to think about moving on to new things and even new places for college. It's exciting to think about but also scary. I really liked the lines about shorts and ugg boots because I do that at lot. I also liked the very last line. It is really powerful and ends the poem strong.
