Sunday, October 31, 2010


I liked this poem because it reminded me of my childhood, so I could really relate to it. Unveiling by Linda Pastan talks about her memories walking through the cemetery and seeing her families graves. She recalls on family dinners and feeling left out as a child. "[A]lmost the way they used to sit around the long planked table at family dinners." This quote reminds me of my own family dinners at my Grandma's house. Whether it was Christmas, Thanksgiving, or just a get together, we all sat in the same place at dinner. "[J]ust left out a bit as if they kept from me the kind of grown-up secret they used to share back then." This reminds me of when I was chained to the little kid table and all the adults would be laughing and wouldn't tell us kids what went wrong, or when they would ask us kids to leave the room so they could have grown up talk.

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